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Suicide in the Workplace

Suicide in the workplace is on the rise. The most recent report on workplace violence by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the highest level of workplace suicide since it began tracking the data 26 years ago. If your workplace has been affected by suicide, I am so...

Our Limits, and Our Power

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of women who are doing incredible things in their community in Kentucky. I talked about how to listen and stay present when hearing a story of trauma. Toward the end of my talk, a woman raised her hand....

School’s Out!

books on desk in empty classroom This fall, for the first time I taught a class on Victim Rights at American University. I had so much fun with our lively discussions on topics like victims as witnesses, what’s the point of restitution if we can’t collect...

Healing Through Art

From the Washington Post. “Why I Had to Leave My Village,” from a Colombian refugee in Ecuador. The words sewn into the cloth translate to: “This is the story the cloth wants to tell.” The Washington Post recently reported on survivors of horrific crimes who are...

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