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Homicide Victims’ Families Rights Act

It seems shocking to say but there is a little good news on Capitol Hill today. Rep. Swalwell (D-CA) and Rep. McCaul (R-TX) introduced the Homicide Victims’ Families Rights Act, to grant family members the right to have cold case homicide investigations reviewed...

Grief Leadership

In times of crisis, we look to our leaders to guide and support us. This includes political leaders, of course, but also organizational and community leaders. As noted in this Washington Post article, “Leaders often emerge in times of crisis and disaster,...

Growth After Trauma

Psychologist Richard Tedeschi wrote recently about the opportunity for growth after trauma. As so many of us are struggling to cope with the coronavirus, the economy, and racial injustice, it’s a hopeful message. Tedeschi says the keys to growth include:1....

Title IX and Supportive Measures

An important, but little defined, section of the Department of Education’s (DOE) new regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Regulations”) is the requirement that schools (or “recipients”) offer supportive measures. The topic...

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